Posts Tagged ‘Paste’


Doamne- Eu stiu ca ne visezi . Dar spune-mi- ce boala de copil , ce suferinta iti da acest cosmar ? De ce e lumea asemenea broboanei de sudoare ce straluceste pe fruntea Ta ? Oare neantul nu e racoros ca mana unei mame iubitoare ? Nu se starneste-n toata vasta vesnicie o soapta , macar una , sa pogoare asupra -Ti, sa aline febra asta ?

De -am fi cu-adevatat, am suferi si noi de boala Ta. Trezeste- Te

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Lumina e-n geamul tau si-n paharul tau cu apa .

E-n ochii tai . Esti ca un pom cu mugurii aprinsi .

Lasa-ti ramurile sa porneasca . Lasa-le sa mearga pana  acolo unde singure se vor opri .

Acolo face  ramura fruct . Alte  ramuri vor incolti si vor pleca in sus din trunchiul  radacinilor tale .

Nu iesi din sufletul tau , nu calatori cu alte suflete , ca niste  barci fara lopeti.

Barca buna cu lopetile tari e sufletul tau , e gandul tau .

Pentru bratele tale  numai sufletul tau are vasle potrivite .

Adevarul tau numai in tine se afla si numai limba  ta il poate talcui  .

Tu pe unul singur trebuie sa-l mantuiesti .Pe  tine.

In tine se gaseste lumea intreaga oglindita pe dinauntru .

Ca in bobul de mei zac in tine puterile trupului si farmecele tainelor stranse in miez.

Ceea ce  cauti in altii , se  afla pe  masura  inteleseului tau in tine , ratacitorule .

Nu pribegii in gradini straine , nu-ti lasa florile  neingrijite si copacii napaditi de omizi.

Gandeste-te bine  : e cineva mai bun ca tine ? Nu este….

Lumina e in Candela Sfanta , pe Masa Sfanta a Altarului Tau .


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It is a beautiful sign that renewed life is upon us .


 Ce intimplare , sa citesc cartea lui Andrei Plesu *Parabolele lui Iisus. Adevarul ca poveste*, care cuprinde o multitudine de explicatii  studiate si structurate de autor cat se poate de serios, chiar sub valul de flori al legendei copacului  dogwood  . Cartea abunda in formulari memorabile (cum ar fi: * Parabolele sunt efectul rastignirii intelectului divin pe lemnul limitelor ratiunii omenesti*), care imi provoaca mici furnicaturi si pentru cateva clipe imi innobileaza compozitia  airului ce-l respir facandu-mi-l mai pretios . Si imi zic : parca as  vrea sa fiu recunoscatoare cuiva dar nu stiu cui  . Ridic ochii din carte si ii odihnesc   pe  legenda .Stiu cui sa-i fiu recunoscatoare….

Many years ago, a dogwood tree grew on a hill outside Jerusalem. In those days, the dogwood tree was as tall and mighty as an oak, and this tree was the tallest of all the dogwoods, and extremely proud of its strength.

“Something wonderful is going to happen to me,” it said to anyone who would listen. “I’ll probably become the mast that holds the big sail on a grand ship, or the main timber supporting a great house.”

Unfortunately, the huge old dogwood was cut down to become the cross to which Jesus was nailed. The tree was horrified. All its dreams of glory were smashed, and it groaned in agony as two boards from its trunk were nailed together.

Jesus took pity on the tree, even as he carried it to Calvary. “You will never be put to such use again,” He told it. “From this day on, your shape will change, even as will the world. You will become slender and sway easily with the breeze. And instead of acorns, you will bear flowers in the shape of a cross… with two long and two short petals. In the center of the outer edge of each petal, there will be nail prints… brown with rust and red with bloodstains to show the world how you have suffered.”

“Last of all, the center of your flowers will be marked as though with a crown of thorns to remind people forevermore, that you and I spent our last moments together.” And so it was. And so it is.

In Jesus’ time, the dogwood grew
To a stately size and a lovely hue.
‘Twas strong and firm, its branches interwoven.
For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen.
Seeing the distress at this use of their wood
Christ made a promise which still holds good:
“Never again shall the dogwood grow
Large enough to be used so.
Slender and twisted, it shall be
With blossoms like the cross for all to see.
As blood stains the petals marked in brown,
The blossom’s center wears a thorny crown.
All who see it will remember Me
Crucified on a cross from the dogwood tree.
Cherished and protected, this tree shall be
A reminder to all of My agony.

The Dogwood would only bloom for a very short time before and after the date of the crucifixion, the flower would have just 4 petals representing the hands and feet of Christ, they would be marked with a hole and the blood of Christ and the center of the flower would be circular raised and represent the head of Christ wearing the crown of thorns.

And so it is today, the Dogwood is a small twisted tree, it blooms at Easter and the flower….well look for yourself.

The pink dogwood is said to represent the blushing of shame for shedding innocent blood. The weeping dogwood represents a heartfelt cry over this tree’s being used to crucify Christ.


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lumina alba


toti oamenii sunt vrednici de iubire . Dar cel ce ,cobarand pe malul marii,incearca sa-mpleteasca o franghie din fire de nisip , ca- aruncand-o de  gatul Lunii care-abia  rasare din valuri-sa se-nalte in vazduh…


.. si cel ce , aplecat pe un rau de aur , isi trece toata viata modelandu-l pe forma  vantului fara  figura , spre a da acestei lumi o lumina alba. Ei locuiesc in cortul umbrei mele !

.. .Cand  Eu lipsesc , sa  stiti : ei sunt acasa …..


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*Crude si fermecatoare , mainile  primaverii , iroseau zarzarul , picurandu-l floare cu floare , cum storci un fagure plin  – de dorul  belsugului .  Au dezbracat de floare ,intr-o ninsore usoara  , totul , lasandu-le casuta doar galagioasa ….Cuibul randunelelor : vin, intra, spun ceva , si pleaca  ascutit spre orizont, acolo unde cerul e cu cerul…sus si jos , sus si jos…..

  A   venit si- un nor , alb – albastru , pufos si  racoros cu o  ploita  in brate .  Ploita  a scuturat norul ,  a fugit  in gradina fluturandu-si   parul  pe spate , s-a uitat  inapoi si  razind  cu -un curcubeu mic … .. a disparut   acolo , sus  si jos  , acolo unde cerul  e cu  cerul…*


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